my observations on everything right and wrong with the world - starting with myself.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
The other day, I had to go to Radio Shack to return a hard drive enclosure...and right next to Radio Shack is a Cingular/AT&T...and there was this huge long line going towards the store.
I looked at the crowd of people and they all appeared to be either aging hipsters or teeny-boppers, technophiles, and the unmistakable stench of Apple fanboys.
Then, I saw the sign.
iPhone. June 29.
Reality check here: people, it's just a phone - probably with marginal reception. Convergence of technology in your pocket only leads to more direct radiation of your crotch, assuming Cingular gets reception in that nether region.
I know I'm not exactly an early adopter of technology, but I don't know about you...but isn't it faster to say "hey, how's it going?" rather than typing it out?
(yep, I'm not a 'texter').
I'm not a fan of the hype. If I was in the NYC for the iPhone release, I probably would have thrown up in my mouth and spewed bile out of my ears...
I think what disgusts me most is not necessarily the hype, but the abject materialism involved:
To save the ridicule, I didn't link to his blog, but he goes by the name of "cydeout" on blogger. He's a pretty materialistic guy - always has been since Wayne and I first met him during our freshman year in Sproul Hall.
Now, to provide even more comic relief, here are some phone-related pictures and of course, my commentary afterwards:

I think this was during some texting competition. Whatever happened to spelling bees?

Let me capture this beautiful vista on my CELL PHONE. DAMMIT! Someone is texting me. Screw the picture, I need to quickly type out "OMG I <3 U 2".

I'm going to get one of these, put my phone inside, and carry it around work. If they tell me I can't carry it, I'll just tell them that it's a phone.
...and finally:

Somebody needs to give this woman a barium enema and perhaps lead her to a someone who could benefit from trepanation.
This is probably what the woman is saying (as you read along, play some carnival/circus music in your head for full effect):
Now that I have a cool phone, I'll be the envy of my kids and the coolest cougar at the PTA meeting tonight! Now, to find someone that will envy the fact that I just plopped down $599 for a phone that will be superseded by cheaper and better technology once the hype goes away. But baby, I'm going to ride this bandwagon until the iPhone battery explodes.
For you three people that normally peruse my blog, I'm going to start updating my other blog for all baby-related news. Yeah, I lead two separate lives - an easy-going dad and an overly-caffeinated and jaded stresscase.
I looked at the crowd of people and they all appeared to be either aging hipsters or teeny-boppers, technophiles, and the unmistakable stench of Apple fanboys.
Then, I saw the sign.
iPhone. June 29.
Reality check here: people, it's just a phone - probably with marginal reception. Convergence of technology in your pocket only leads to more direct radiation of your crotch, assuming Cingular gets reception in that nether region.
I know I'm not exactly an early adopter of technology, but I don't know about you...but isn't it faster to say "hey, how's it going?" rather than typing it out?
(yep, I'm not a 'texter').
I'm not a fan of the hype. If I was in the NYC for the iPhone release, I probably would have thrown up in my mouth and spewed bile out of my ears...
I think what disgusts me most is not necessarily the hype, but the abject materialism involved:
6/22/2007 08:30:00 AM ยป Johnny revealed:
I had a vivid deram(sic) last night of getting an iPhone, carefully unwrapping it from its box, and spending hours playing with it. Weird thing is I plan on passing it up until at least second generation. I may need to re-examine this philosophy though. I think it's a sign to get one. :)
To save the ridicule, I didn't link to his blog, but he goes by the name of "cydeout" on blogger. He's a pretty materialistic guy - always has been since Wayne and I first met him during our freshman year in Sproul Hall.
Now, to provide even more comic relief, here are some phone-related pictures and of course, my commentary afterwards:

I think this was during some texting competition. Whatever happened to spelling bees?

Let me capture this beautiful vista on my CELL PHONE. DAMMIT! Someone is texting me. Screw the picture, I need to quickly type out "OMG I <3 U 2".

I'm going to get one of these, put my phone inside, and carry it around work. If they tell me I can't carry it, I'll just tell them that it's a phone.
...and finally:

Somebody needs to give this woman a barium enema and perhaps lead her to a someone who could benefit from trepanation.
This is probably what the woman is saying (as you read along, play some carnival/circus music in your head for full effect):
Now that I have a cool phone, I'll be the envy of my kids and the coolest cougar at the PTA meeting tonight! Now, to find someone that will envy the fact that I just plopped down $599 for a phone that will be superseded by cheaper and better technology once the hype goes away. But baby, I'm going to ride this bandwagon until the iPhone battery explodes.
For you three people that normally peruse my blog, I'm going to start updating my other blog for all baby-related news. Yeah, I lead two separate lives - an easy-going dad and an overly-caffeinated and jaded stresscase.