my observations on everything right and wrong with the world - starting with myself.
Monday, November 20, 2006
those crazy Europeans are at it again.
They're planning on preventing traffic accidents by implementing Controlled Chaos...or in other words, removing all signage, traffic lights, and yes, even the lines on the roads. WTF?!?!
I thought it was pretty crazy that there were no lines on the main roads in Paris, but no signage?
oh yeah...I can think of what kind of colorful blend that would be:

...that picture, BTW, is what happens to a brand new BMW 645i after hitting a truck on the autobahn at 125 MPH. Here's another picture:

...amazingly, the BMW driver walked away from the accident!
They're planning on preventing traffic accidents by implementing Controlled Chaos...or in other words, removing all signage, traffic lights, and yes, even the lines on the roads. WTF?!?!
I thought it was pretty crazy that there were no lines on the main roads in Paris, but no signage?
The new model's proponents envision today's drivers and pedestrians blending into a colorful and peaceful traffic stream.
oh yeah...I can think of what kind of colorful blend that would be:

...that picture, BTW, is what happens to a brand new BMW 645i after hitting a truck on the autobahn at 125 MPH. Here's another picture:

...amazingly, the BMW driver walked away from the accident!