my observations on everything right and wrong with the world - starting with myself.
Friday, April 22, 2005
stupid carpool lane violators!
I'm sick of sitting in traffic on the 405 freeway every day and watching time and time again the countless cars with only ONE person in them cruising down the carpool lane during rush hour traffic.
Signs are clearly posted stating that the carpool lane is only for vehicles with two or more passengers (on the 91, it's three or more passengers), and if signs aren't enough, there are even more signs clearly indicating that carpool lane violations are subject to a minimum $271 other moving violation explicitly indicates the monetary cost of the crime.
The way I see it, if the CHP actually caught all of the carpool lane violators, the state of California would become richer than the Sultan of Brunei. Unfortunately, the CHP rarely monitors the carpool lane for violators.
My suggestions?
1. Put a water-filled moat between the freeway and the carpool lane. Allow people to ride their kayaks in the moat.
2. Instead of a double yellow line, implement concertina wire...more coils of concertina wire during rush hour...
3. Only convertibles can go in the carpool lane, and tops have to be down to ensure that passenger quantity visibility is clear.
4. Station snipers every mile on the freeway to shoot vehicle tracking sensors on carpool lane the CHP can track them down.
5. Entrance and exit to the carpool lane is only possible through manned posts...and at the entrance post, you are issued a voucher which must be returned to the exit post. Vehicles that attempt to enter without at least two people in the car will be rerouted to Rossmoor, CA, where they'll spend the next seven hours attempting to get out. Vehicles which attempt to exit without a voucher are consumed on-the-spot by a vehicle-crushing machine.
needless to say, I highly doubt that my suggestions will be implemented. I highly doubt that anyone else cares, but if you see a white mazda on the freeway with fumes coming out of the driver's head, that's me...and I just saw a carpool lane violator.
I'm sick of sitting in traffic on the 405 freeway every day and watching time and time again the countless cars with only ONE person in them cruising down the carpool lane during rush hour traffic.
Signs are clearly posted stating that the carpool lane is only for vehicles with two or more passengers (on the 91, it's three or more passengers), and if signs aren't enough, there are even more signs clearly indicating that carpool lane violations are subject to a minimum $271 other moving violation explicitly indicates the monetary cost of the crime.
The way I see it, if the CHP actually caught all of the carpool lane violators, the state of California would become richer than the Sultan of Brunei. Unfortunately, the CHP rarely monitors the carpool lane for violators.
My suggestions?
1. Put a water-filled moat between the freeway and the carpool lane. Allow people to ride their kayaks in the moat.
2. Instead of a double yellow line, implement concertina wire...more coils of concertina wire during rush hour...
3. Only convertibles can go in the carpool lane, and tops have to be down to ensure that passenger quantity visibility is clear.
4. Station snipers every mile on the freeway to shoot vehicle tracking sensors on carpool lane the CHP can track them down.
5. Entrance and exit to the carpool lane is only possible through manned posts...and at the entrance post, you are issued a voucher which must be returned to the exit post. Vehicles that attempt to enter without at least two people in the car will be rerouted to Rossmoor, CA, where they'll spend the next seven hours attempting to get out. Vehicles which attempt to exit without a voucher are consumed on-the-spot by a vehicle-crushing machine.
needless to say, I highly doubt that my suggestions will be implemented. I highly doubt that anyone else cares, but if you see a white mazda on the freeway with fumes coming out of the driver's head, that's me...and I just saw a carpool lane violator.
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Funny suggestions! I was just in S. CA. visiting my brother and Universal and Disneyland. My kids and I soared past traffic on a few occasions and I felt like I was really special or something. It was great. I was never in terrible traffic though, so I didn't experience your dilemna. I would be mad too! Keep your anger under control and don't spontaneously combust in that Mazda of yours.
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