my observations on everything right and wrong with the world - starting with myself.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

so my new nextdoor neighbors have moved in...and they're totally 909'ers.

if you don't know what a 909'er is, it's basically a stereotype of people who live in Riverside/San Bernardino, and beyond. sadly, most of the time, it's validated.

here are the typical characteristics of a 909'er:

-has a vast collection of commemorative Dale Earnhardt memorabilia
-has or had a mullet
-drives a pickup truck...with a lift kit...with dual exhaust
-the pickup truck either has a SLANTED 3 sticker, flames, or a "in memory of" sticker
-are unusually loud...
-do very unusual in the case of my new neighbors, move in to a new townhouse starting at 10 o'clock at NIGHT.

yep. all of the above are validated by my new neighbors. being the grumpy crotchety old man that I've become, I'm probably going to make them move, as I did with two other families who were neighbors.

and don't think I'm racist or have prejudice...I hate all lousy neighbors equally. I mean, one neighbor (who moved away) had a daughter who insisted on leaving their trash out on the driveway...and another neighbor (who moved away) had a son who sang loud lovesongs to himself at 3 AM.

actually, I'm sure their moving wasn't my fault, but I was probably the salt in the wound.

but who knows? for all the judgement I've already done, my neighbors might actually be cool, composed, quiet, and neighborly. but for now, I think I reserve the right to make assumptions.

only time will tell...but as soon as I hear Billy Ray Cyrus being played uberloud, Irvine's 'finest' will receive a phone call with a quickness.
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